
Adobe x Activision Creative Jam Challenge (June 2020)

A social app that streamlines the discovery of games and building a personalized community for new gamers.

My Role

Interactive Prototyping/UI


Sharon Pan, Wye Mun Chin, Michelle Wan (Designers)


2 days (48 hours)

The Problem

As the digital gaming industry continues to grow, there are no specific resources that guide new gamers in knowing how to join gaming communities.

"How might we help new gamers feel more comfortable in finding their community within the digital gaming environment?"

Design Features


Game Info Reviews

Discover new games, watch trailer videos, look at reviews, and view other friends who are also playing the game.

Profile Account

Check out game stats and other achievements from exploring different types of games.

Play with Friends

Build gaming groups by sharing personalized game IDs with friends!


New to gaming? Read the FAQs, catch up on game updates, and take a quiz for game recommendations to get started!

Market Analysis

My team and I looked at several common platforms to better understand where and how gamers are finding new games to play.

📱 App Store & Play Store

There is a wide discovery range on the app stores, but there are no social features for users to connect with others.


🎮 Steam Store

On Steam, there are many game options to choose from, including tags, filters, and recommendations. But it’s limited to a set of games on the platform. Currently, users can only download games on the desktop version.

UX Ideation

Based off on the problems we found while looking at existing game discovery methods, my team and I sketched out the user flow to gain better clarity of our vision.

UI Branding

After creating a general flow of the app, my team and I thought of how we want our users to feel while using the app. We decided to name our project LevelOne because it emphasizes the beginning of the journey. We want to create a friendly and inviting experience for new gamers in the gaming community. The logo is based on a common trope of a low-level jelly monster.


Design Iterations

After creating the prototype on Adobe XD, we conducted some quick user testing to get feedback on our user flow.

Added the ability for users to include and publicize their game ID name within a specific game to encourage more ways to connect with friends.


Clarified the ability for users to edit and organize their current game inventory.

Final Comps


What I Learned

This design challenge kept me up all night but I definitely learned a lot about researching into existing apps and leveraging off ideas instead of reinventing the wheel. I didn’t know much about gaming or the communities involved when I joined this design challenge. However, I learned a lot just by observing people’s habits around me. I also learned how creating limitations in inputs can help users make better decisions.

I had a lovely time working with my team!


Shopping List Locator


Farmer Marketplace Online